Ocean Grown Health and Wealth

Humorous Flu Video

Bail Me Out, Too!
This video sums up the current state of affairs in Washington, D.C. It hit home for me because I recently had a property tax payment returned because I owed one cent more of postage and consequently my taxes were late. I wrote the postmaster general in Washington D.C. and told him what happened, that I added a two cent stamp to his letter, informing him of what occured and would like my one cent returned because I over payed the letter by one cent. I thought I would never hear back and the Attorney general would have a good laugh. Believe it or not, I got two one cent stamps with an apology letter and copies to send to the county tax department, so they would excuse any late charges.
My letter basically asked why the billions of dollars to bail out people that are going to affect the world in a negative way and return my letter because I owed one cent? I didn't realize postage had gone up another penny, by the way. Anyway, I loved this video and understand why he made it. Enjoy!
Protecting Our Breast Health... Naturally
We must keep our breasts healthy, naturally. I know how important it is so here are some facts and some personal insights.
There are a number of natural ways to get the maximum benefits of staying cancer free and minimizing menopause symptoms and controlling osteoporosis for years to come.
Some important nutrients to include in your diet to support and maintain healthy breast tissue at the cellular level are
Phytoestrogens- These function as selective estrogen receptor modifiers that block certain estrogen receptor sites on cells, and prevents bad estrogen,(cancer causing) from taking over.
The Japanese use fermented phytoestrogen(soy products) in their native country. These would include:
1. Natto-from fermented soybeans. Natto has a strong smell, has a distinct strong nutty taste. Can be eaten with rice, added to salad or put naturally fermented soy sauce in it. (On a side note, kiko-man soy sauce is naturally fermented and you can buy it at your local grocery store.)
2. Tempeh-This is fermented soybean that is processed into a cake like form. Notice this picture? It's a pizza made with tempeh, so don't tell me you wouldn't like it, or at least try it. You can even make barbecue flavor tempeh. It can also be eaten like the traditional Japanese do, as well with rice. Many smart vegetarians use this as a protein accompaniment.
There are a large variety of fermented soy products, but I have never tried them, so I am only giving you the ones I know about first hand.
Tofu is NOT a food that I would recommend to eat in abundance, unless it has been fermented. It has substances in it from the soy bean that can be harmful if eaten in large amounts and also it contains a substance that blocks the absorption of certain nutrients. If you do eat it, please limit to a couple of times a month and eat protein with it, like fish or poultry as this seems to break down the nutrient blockers in the tofu and allows better absorption of nutrients.
In addition soy is in so many foods, that you could easily ingest too much and genetically modified food, of which soy is one of the most genetically modified foods, makes me nervous, so I tend to be careful not to eat it.
Plant Lignans are found in many types of whole foods. These would include unrefined grain products like flaxseed and sesame seeds. You can also find this substance in fruits and veggies. Lignans actually replenish healthy estrogen or balance estrogen, whatever your body requires. Ain't nature grand? I love it!
Image via Wikipedia Cruciferous vegetables- contain substances the actually remove the harmful estrogens in your body. By eating a variety of broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, radishes, turnip greens, kale, collard greens, you can reap the benefits of natural foods to control your breast health.
(If you have concerns about thyroid or iodine absorption, then steam these veggies lightly to allow for optimal benefits. Research suggests that raw cruciferous foods inhibit iodine and thus reduce optimal thyroid function. I rotate my cruciferous preparation, by eating raw and steamed. I also eat Kimchi, which is a naturally fermented food. Here is a great recipe that I use. It is delicious. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. I don't use any meat, just veggies. I use the basic recipe and then add different vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, shiitake mushrooms, etc. Even fruit like apples or mandarin oranges are yummy in this.
D-Glucarate-helps to detoxify and remove carcinogens, cancerous cells, and eliminates bad estrogens and androgens. It also helps to rid the body of environmental concerns like pesticides and cigarette smoke exposure. It is found in fruits, especially apples, grapefruits, cherries, apricots. Broccoli, brussel sprouts and alfalfa sprouts have D-Glucarate in good amounts.
Vitamin D3,(cholecalciferol)is the last topic I would like to share with you today. Taking 1,000 IU daily is a great benefit. The RDA of vitamin D is 200 IU mg and it is not enough, in my opinion. You will see others who value ultimate health agreeing with a higher amount of Vitamin D3. This nutrient protects and enhances your immune system,(there is more to the story), which helps to fight off cancer. It can be found in cod liver oil,(I take 1 TBSP), pretty much every day, which is equivalent to about 1,300 IU of vitamin D3. You can find it in salmon,(wild caught), tuna in oil,(wild caught and be careful of sources because of contamination), which is why I use a really good cod liver oil, Carlson's, if you are interested.
You can find it in eggs and cheese, although not very much.
The sun has the best natural source. You should have 10-15 minutes of sun most days. Darker skinned people need more because it is harder to absorb than fairer skinned people. Just don't burn. Your body will convert the sun's power into the vitamin D3 and use it as it sees fit. Vitamin D3 is perfect for bone health, as well so it is great for preventing osteoporosis.
I hope you learned something. Now, I am going to the store to get some ingredients for Kimchi!!
This article made me hungry, naturally!

No Wonder You Can't Lose Weight Easily Anymore
The 1000 Calorie Diet Tip
If you eat at restaurants, it's easy to eat over 1500 or 2000
calories per meal. Yikes! That's a full day's worth of calories in
one dinner...
Pre-dinner bread & butter -> 200 calories
Pre-dinner cocktail -> 150 calories
Appetizer -> This could be a 500-1500 calorie bomb on it's own!
Steak -> 300-500 calories
Potato -> 150-300 calories
Vegetable -> 100 calories
Dinner Drink -> 150 calories
Dessert - 300-750 calories
After Dinner Drink - 150
And that's only if you CONTROL yourself. If you go on a rampage,
you could be looking at 2500 or even 3000 calories in one sitting.
Those numbers are scary.
Fortunately, there are ways to avoid this dietary nightmare while
dining out. Here are 5 rules to cut 1000 calories from your
dining-out diet...
1) Plan ahead and avoid restaurants that offer huge portions.
2) Skip the bread. It won't stop you from eating your full meal
anyways, so just send it back.
3) No booze or liquid calories of any type.
4) No potates. Stick to your protein and your vegetables.
5) Reward yourself with only the tiniest bit of dessert, if at all.
It's all about taking responsibility for your choices. And yes,
choosing between the "Pain of discoipline or pain of regret". What's
your choice?
For more diet and exercise tips, visit here
What Kind Of Protein Do Health Gurus Eat?
Vegan or Not, this is a great naturally fermented, raw food supplement for gaining health! Used by Kevin Gianni and Mike Adams and it's brand new on the internet.
Trythis protein powder for health and a great alternative if you you are trying to eat better or cutting down animal protein based foods for helping the environment or staying away from non-grass fed animals.
It's also totally raw and fermented naturally. What that means is it's not heat or chemically treated so it is potent and contains essential amino acids that our bodies asolutely must have in order to survive.
Protein helps us to remain disease free, helps us recover from workouts, and keeps our metabolism and insulin levels running at optimum levels.
Simply put, it is a great food source, has a great taste and texture and if the health gurus, (and me who is an up and coming guru):>D, recommends it and uses it, then guess what? It's a great supplement so try it and see if you don't agree.
Hey, you might turn into a health guru yourself! Go check it out here to learn more.
You can also click on the ad below. Enjoy! Here's to your health.

Burn the Fat Baby
Burn the fat. Isn't that what it's all about? Well then, let's get the fat rolling, or should I say get the ball rolling!
Anyway, what I wanted to let you know is, there is a fat burning, appetite suppressing, energy boosting supplement, called Oceanbreakers . Click the Oceanbreakers link at anytime to learn more. I also have it on my sidebar for easy access, if you don't want to read the whole article. There's a really cool video of the company on the link, as well. So, please check it out. Of course, I think it would be worth your while to hear my viewpoint.
So, let me begin by saying, yes, you still need to change your eating habits and exercise. Yes, this is just a helper to you until you get your blood sugars balanced. This is not for starving yourself or to take the place of exercise and living a healthy lifestyle.
You need to eat 4-6 times a day. You need to build muscle. This can be very overwhelming. OceanBreakers can help you, while you get used to the changes, so you feel like you can succeed. Does that make sense?
We really do need help sometimes. It's OK to ask for it. If you need to learn control, not feel like you are depriving yourself, then please try OceanBreakers from Ocean Grown International.
The company is phenomenal and practices 'green' in their business and everyday lives. I know one of the founders of the company. He is very hands on, loves what he does and has been very successful in developing a company that relies exclusively on the oceans of the world to provide top notch nutrition and health for us.
The ingredients are awesome. Each dose has a blend of
Fucoxanthin,(brown seaweed) for burning belly fat,(white fat adipose tissue). White adipose tissue is the fat that is stored easiest and is the most dangerous for our health. Pronounced fuco-zan-thin, it creates thermogenesis,(heat)that specifically targets white adipose tissue to burn faster, without stimulating the central nervous system.Coral Calcium Calcium is thought to balance your metabolism and assist the fat burning process. Without enough calcium your body goes into starvation mode and holds on to the fat reserves. Oh, no, we don't want that. This special calcium is mined in carefully preserved Japanese coral reefs that are strictly controlled.
Fiber It really makes you feel fuller longer, stabilizes blood sugar or insulin levels, which slows down fat deposits in those fat deposit areas. We all know where those are!
HOODIA Gordonii This herb makes you feel like you are full. It suppresses your appetite. That's a good thing, right?
That's just the fat burning ingredients.
It also has energy assistance added to the mix, just so your blood sugars won't make you feel so fatigued. it's just a helper, remember. I don't want you to rely on anything, but diet and exercise to get you on the right road to health.
The ingredients for energy maintenance are:
Ginseng, Green Tea Polyphenols, B Vitamins and Yerba Mate. I know Yerba Mate also help with appeitite control, as well as energy. I drink a cup often times before I work out. Especially on days when I would rather be home reading a good book.
All of these ingredients are in one supplement. That's amazing. They aren't in huge quantitites so your body can absorb it for the maximum benefit. Sometimes I see advertisements for products where they put in such high doses of ingredients you can't possibly absorb it all and you know where it ends up! I know, too much information.
I really wanted to let you know about this supplement. I truly believe in it and don't hesitate to recommend it to my coaching clients. Sometimes you do need a little help. Quite honestly, if you aren't eating right and moving your bod, you aren't going to get there. Simply put, you are what you eat.
It's OK, though to get some help. Nobody is perfect, that's for darn sure. That's why there are Health Coaches. People need people. They need the motivation, accountability, feedback, to get a new and different perspective. You with me?
If you need help to control your appetite and your mouth/hand coordination, then this is a great way to satisfy your cravings until you can get them under control. Don't torture yourself by salivating all over! Just kidding. But you know what I mean.
You know the late night thoughts that seem to pop up. You are sitting there at the end of the day, relaxing, watching the TV, when uncontrollable cravings start taking over your brain waves. You know you shouldn't eat, because you just got through with dinner an hour ago. What's going on? Well, as you lose weight, your blood sugar can influence the way you even think, quite honestly. It's a physical urge, as well.
There are also those of you, and I am one, so I really understand this, that have emotional ties to food. This supplement is so perfect for that. For me, when I didn't have my emotions under control I would have paid a king's ransom for this supplement to get me through those times when a bag of chips or a quart of ice cream seemed to be the only thing to soothe me.
With the ingredients in this 'cocktail', anyone who just eats out of boredom or loneliness, can benefit. You will NOT feel the need for food quite honestly.
Oceanbreakers, taken between meals, twice daily, will get you through that struggle, that guilt, the never ending feeling of failure.
You know exactly where I am coming from. You are going along, fine all day, and then, boom! It hits you, those urges, for whatever reason, and off you go. It's like you don't have any control. Eat now, think later mode. Does it sound familiar?
Oceanbreakers is like having your cake and eating it too. It is your stepping stone. It's a way to get you to the point of having control, and finally developing healthy eating habits. Finally understanding that you can really know what it's like to really feel good about yourself.
I know when I lost all my weight, I felt like I could conquer the world. My personality finally bloomed. I enjoyed meeting people, being around life. I wanted to pursue my dreams, passions, of helping other people climb on the health train.
Frankly, my weight held me back. I knew how people thought. They looked at the outside. They were judging me, not accepting.
Those of you that are going through this, know what I mean. It's the worst, depressing, heartbreaking feeling. No, you shouldn't accept it, and you can do something about it. I am offering you support that I believe in and know it is safe, effective and works.
Please, I just ask you to consider the consequences of not trying to break out of that fat prison. Just think about getting some help. OceanBreakers can be a great help mate, if you need that extra support.
That's all, just some help for a while.